Private Coaching Program

This kind of deep embodied coaching often needs time. We need to allow healing to take time. It’s an investment that you make in yourself and your own growth. Therefore, I am offering two different comprehensive coaching programs: 6 months and 12 months.  

You will be met both where you are and as you are. My deepest intention is to hold a very safe, compassionate, non-judging and loving space for you. And I will meet you with radical acceptance and love regardless of what you are bringing to our sessions. It’s a sacred container where you get the opportunity to step out of your daily life with its norms, expectations, judgements, ideas and pre-conceived ideas, into a sacred and free space to explore, heal and find your own aligned truth.

In each session I bring all my previous personal and professional experiences of presence, compassion and love. We will meet on-line via Zoom, in the comfort and safety of your own home. My experience with previous clients is that this works amazingly well. I invite you to create a cozy space whatever that means to you, where you can be undisturbed for the whole session.


Coaching Packages

The coaching will be tailored to your specific needs and desires in the most supportive way.
The coaching sessions combine modern coaching and neuroscience with somatic body based practices and the ancient teachings of Tantra and Taoism. Where many forms of coaching stop at mind level, we will go all the way down into the body, aka to the roots, so that what longs to be integrated and healed can be transformed. And you can be free.

  • 6 months program: min of 11 sessions à 75 min
  • 12 months program: min of 22 sessions à 75 min

Practices & Play

After each session you will be provided with personalized practices to continue to support the integration of the work we’ve done during the session. These can be:

-guided meditations,


-energy- and,

-self-pleasure practices.

The practices will be sent to you after each session.

Post-session support

After the session I will provide you with a summary of what happened during the session as this can sometimes be a bit difficult to remember when doing somatic work. During our whole period of working together, you are always welcome to reach out to me via e-mail if support is needed.

Feedback calls in between coaching sessions are included:

  • 6 months program: 5 calls.
  • 12 months program: 10 calls. 

Are you interested?

If you are interested in one of my coaching programs, please schedule a free discovery call. Before that conversation you will answer a number of questions, that make it easier for me to decide if I think my coaching will suit you. For me, it is of uttermost importance that we get the opportunity to talk for a while before deciding to co-operate. 

Is it really for…me?
Am I really allowed to thrive, blossom, enjoy tons of pleasure??

Yes lovely, you are. I believe many times it is actually the light, taking space, living our lives fully that scares us the most. At least that’s been my journey. Of course we need to meet and embrace our shadows but then….we need to dare to step into the light. In my experience this work can really help you to do that. To live fully. The world needs you to be fully thriving. You are worthy of living your life fully, even though parts of you are not convinced of that, yet.

There can be a variety of reasons why you would want to work with me:

I will bring all of my presence into our sessions. With compassion and radical acceptance of YOU.

Tools used for your transformation and healing

  • Breathwork
  • Meditation
  • Self-love and body-love practices
  • Inner child integration
  • Transformation of family dynamics
  • Mindfulness and self-compassion
  • Holistic pleasure practices & tools
  • Emotional empowerment
  • Sounding
  • Movement

What benefits can you expect? 

That depends of course what you are bringing to the coaching but for sure it includes: 

  • increased body-love, self-love and self-acceptance
  • increased level of self-worth and honoring of yourself
  • increased pleasure!! (as we gently work through the numbness we re-discover the pleasure behind it)
  • a deep connection to your whole body
  • awakening of turn-on, both in the bedroom and in life!
  • a joy-filled and goal-less relationship to pleasure
  • more freedom and joy connected to pleasure and sex (and other areas in life)
  • increased level of intimacy with yourself and others
  • a deepened sense of knowing your worth and feeling your power
  • increased level of aliveness, juiciness and joy

A note about trauma

My coaching is trauma-informed, meaning that it’s okay to come to me if you have trauma in your history. We all carry minor traumas (some that we might not even be aware of)  from the past and they may surface during our sessions which is perfectly fine. However, I am not a trauma therapist and if I notice that you’re not able to self-resource and hold yourself through the session (of course with my support) I will let you know and we can discuss what will be most beneficial for your healing process. To me, that will always be the most important thing. 

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