
About the VITA method

The VITA™ method combines teachings of modern neurobiology, holistic healing and modern coaching and blends them with ancient teachings and wisdom from Tantra, Taoism and Sacred sexuality. 

VITA™ stands for: The Vital and Integrated Tantric Approach. The method combines the talking aspects of coaching with somatic body-based practices. 

It’s an embodied method guiding you through a somatic journey to integrate and heal blockages, fears and contractions to reveal you own truth. This is how transformation can occur, not from trying to be something different than we are but rather to meet everything inside of us that longs for healing and integration with love and compassion to reveal the wholeness that is our birthright. 

The core values of VITA™ Coaching are based on the belief that sexuality is sacred, beautiful, powerful, and natural; pure love is the primary force that sustains us, and meaningful relationships are necessary for a joyful life.

By including a powerful combination of tools like breathwork, meditations, energy work, pleasure practices, sounding, and movement, the VITA method offers a completely unique approach to help and awaken pleasure and sexuality.

Going to the roots

With my own experience of an unhealthy relationship with food, eating and body, I know how the mind can sometimes trick us into believing that change and transformation can come only from the conscious, cortical part of the brain. However, a solid and sustainable change can seldom come solely from here, as I am sure anyone who has ever tried to make substantial changes by will-power alone knows. It simply doesn’t work. Why? Because there are other forces at play such as the limbic system (or the emotional brain) and the primal brain (or the unconscious and subconscious brain). If these parts of the brain are not convinced that the change you want to make is a good idea, it will be very difficult, if not impossible. 

The beautiful and powerful thing about the VITA method is that it’s not stopping at the cortical conscious part of the brain (which also is important in this work but not enough) but it actually takes it much deeper to the roots. And it’s not possible to go to the roots without involving the body. Because the subconscious and unconscious parts of the brain show up as sensations in our bodies

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you mean by embodied spirituality?
I mean a spirituality which does not ignore the body. Rather than a spirituality that wants to ignore or leave the body and do not view the body as divine – embodied spirituality represents the opposite. Meaning spirituality through the body, rather than despite the body. It views the body as a sacred container for the soul. It aims to fully explore, fully embody and experience our spiritual nature through the body. That includes to fully embody the depth of our bodies, meaning the womb space, cervix and yoni-pussy. When we embody our life force (or sexual energy) we become a wild and powerful force of nature which we can use for the benefit of the world we are living in.

Do I have to be practicing spirituality to come to you?

No! You can come to me regardless of background for example because you would want to feel more pleasure either in self-pleasure or with a partner or both. That’s a beautiful reason. There’s no pressure that you need to feel that sexuality is sacred or anything like that. I will always meet you where you are. But you are also very welcome if you are curious to explore more, including exploring the energetic and the spiritual aspects of sexuality and pleasure. All of these reasons are divine to me. 

I am single – is this work for me?

Yes absolutely. You can do this work regardless if you are in a relationship or not. It can actually be deep and beautiful to do this work when you are single. It all starts with you. To create a loving relationship to the body, and to explore your relationship with your own sexuality can be profound during this time. Because your sexuality is yours. And the more you develop it, the easier it can be to invite someone else into this space, if you would want to do that. It can also be powerful work to do if you want to call in a dream partner. 

I do not feel any desire/numb – could I come to you?

Yes absolutely, you are more than welcome. My experience both personally and with clients is that the desire and the pleasure is hidden under the numbness. This coaching is designed for women who are experiencing any kind of challenge connected to sexuality and pleasure including a lack of desire and numbness. We can talk more about your specific situation if you book a discovery call. 

I feel a lot of shame talking to a stranger about these issues – any help?

First of all, I understand! There can be many layers of shame, guilt, confusion and embarrassment around these issues and I just want to tell you: I see you, I hear you and it’s perfectly normal and okay. Many of us have’nt grown up with role models who talked to us in a relaxed and free way about sexuality. It’s not the norm. And our own experiences in this area might not have contributed to us feeling less shame. My own experience is that the more we start to talk about these issues the less shame and embarrassment we feel. But I do want you to know that I honor whatever you are feeling and I have experienced this myself. My experiences with previous clients feeling this way is that it really helps that the coaching is done on-line. In this way you can make yourself really comfortable in a place where you feel really safe, maybe a cozy space with candles and tea or whatever feels really good to you! 

Can I do a single session?

I don’t offer single sessions because this kind of somatic work really benefits from us getting to know each other and going deep together. It’s an investment that you make in yourself and your own healing and growth.  

What does somatic coaching mean?

Somatic coaching means that we also include the body in the coaching, not only the mind. If we want to heal at the roots and create sustainable changes, it requires being connected to the body and sensations in a deeply present and somatic way. Usually our limbic system and our primal brain contain the unconscious conditioning that most deeply controls us and it shows up as sensations in the body.  

I have done lots of therapy/coaching before but it does not work. Why would this work for me?

Many forms of therapy and coaching only work on the mental/mind level but we will work deeper than that. The aim with VITA coaching is to work on different levels of the brain including the unconscious parts of the brain. It is important to speak to all parts of the brain if you want a complete transformation. Just talking to one  part or only doing mental work or only doing somatic work won’t necessarily create a complete integration. In our coaching sessions we will work to hold space for all parts of you and meeting everything we find with love and acceptance. 

I think I am broken and cannot feel pleasure. Could you help me?

Yes, I’m convinced that you’re not broken and I also honor the fact that you feel broken. In a society that profits from you feeling broken, not enough and self-doubting, I don’t find it strange that you might feel this way. Norms, limiting beliefs, lack of information such as the difference between male and female arousal anatomy, shame and harmful experiences have all contributed to numbness, shutdown and lack of pleasure. But this can be worked on. You are not at all broken.  

I have disliked/hated my body my whole life. How could this ever change?

I know it can feel almost impossible to imagine that this could ever change. Perhaps we don’t even dare to desire a healthy and free relationship with the body. It might even feel impossible. 

With my own experience of an unhealthy relationship with food, eating and body, I know how the mind can sometimes trick us into believing that change and transformation can come only from the conscious, cortical part of the brain. However, a solid and sustainable change can seldom come from here, as I am sure anyone knows who has ever tried to make substantial changes by will-power alone. It simply doesn’t work. Why? Because there are other forces at play, namely the limbic system (or the emotional brain) and the primal brain (or the unconscious and subconscious brain). If these parts of the brain are not convinced that this change you want to make is a good idea, it will be very difficult, if not impossible.

The beautiful and powerful thing about the VITA method is that it is not stopping at the cortical conscious part of the brain but it actually goes much deeper, all the way to the roots. It’s not possible to go to the roots without involving the body because the subconscious and unconscious parts of the brain show up as sensations in your body.

I think I am too old for this…am I?

No! You can never be too old for this work. This work is beyond age! You are more than welcome regardless of your age. If you are rich in age, I welcome your wisdom.